Hey!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't blog for sooooo long!!! HEHE!! That's cause I am hooked up with my e-shop and also at work!!! Very busy at work lately and just done my appraisal!! Fuh!! Now I am more relaxed!! *hehe*
I have soooo soooo soooooo many photos to upload and blog about!! (some even became old news dy!!)
Anyway, I am soooooooo into the e-shop thingy now!! HAHA I tell you, it is just soooo challenging!!!!! This whole e-shop business is not easy!! But its damn fun (in a way) cause I looooove shopping and dressing up!! I wish it can earn me enough to make it my full time job but it doesn't lar!! haha not even close!! haha!!
Anyway, wanna know why its soooo challenging?? *solely my opinion la* Cause.... there's just sooo soooo soooo many e-shops around!! New e-shops are mushrooming like nobody's business!! So you can imagine how competitive this online business is!! And to make sales, you need to get traffic to your e-shop - which is another challenge altogether!!!!! Then you also need to always update your e-shops with new items!! And you need to put in the right price so that you are competitive enough.... and you need to know what your buyers like!!! Some stuff sells like hot cakes and some stuff just don't seem to move!! You need to know what is the trend, what colour is popular, what sizes to bring in, what material and etc etc etc..... A lot of research and planning need to be done and not to mention taking time to scout for items to sell!!
But of all these, you know whats the best part?? SHOPPING la of course!!!! I've got an excuse to SHOP so very often and I've got an excuse to just buy what I see and like!! That makes me feel sooooo good!! *haha* and happy!! Shopping makes me happy!! YES!!! =D
Also, honestly I don't mark up a lot and hence I don't earn a lot from this whole thing!! That is why I am not quitting my job for this!! I often get asked how much I earn from this and if it is worth the time, energy and effort put into this? Yes, I must admit IT IS a lot of work and its not easy BUT, its also the satisfaction of people liking the things that I am selling!! Cause I selected those items myself and when people bought it and tell me that they love it, it makes me happy too!! But of course, to be honest as well, I still want to make money and not do all these for nothing but its also the accomplishment of seeing the hits of my e-shop increasing, the items that I am selling gets featured in those shopping review blogs, people emailing me to tell me that they love my e-shop, people I don't know actually recommending or linking my e-shop at their personal blog, more people subscribes to my updates, items sold out within few days after posting it!!, finding orders from my mailbox and the best is when they order many items in one mail =) and etc etc etc..... All these just gives me immense satisfaction!! =) *hopefully I am not hangat hangat tahi ayam la hehe*
Also, the person who has supported me all these while and who has helped me a lot in this whole thing is none other than my MIMI!!!!!!!! She always post the items for me!! =) Sometimes she even go shopping with me =) She is always very eager to see the photos that I have taken =) She is also the one who keeps promoting my items to my sis's friends whenever she sees them!! She even help me out at the bazaar!! She doesn't share any of the profits!! She is doing all these to help me =) Ahhh.... what will I do without her!!!!! Thanks Mimi!!!! Really appreciate everything that you have done for me =)
Of course, in the beginning I have to thank Cindy for starting it up with me, wouldn't have started it if its not for all the encouragement and positive thinking from her. Then I need to thank all the slim and beautiful models who has modelled for the photos on the e-shops =) you all make the items so attractive that people wants to buy it =D I also must thank all my friends who have supported me by buying items from me!! I really appreciated it veryyyy much especially during the early days when I just couldn't get enough traffic to my e-shop!! Val, Ah Beng, Kit, Ah Yi, Sherry, HF, you people are the ones that gave me hope in this whole thing because of all your sales at that time =) If not I could have given up already!! Another one of my "big" customer is also my 2nd sis =D *haha* My honeydrew also lar.... who bought something from the website for me because he wants to "pong chan" me and also went shopping with me in Taiwan and Phuket to look for items. And of course all the other online buyers who have bought stuff from me!! Thank you very much as well.... I really hope all of you love what you have bought!! Last but not the least, need to specially thank yun yun who has also helped me in many many ways and given me a lot of ideas and encouragement!!
I wouldn't have been sooooo into this whole thing now if it is not for all of you =) and I am glad =) Hopefully when I get good traffics and all, I don't have to spend so much time on it and I will be able to blog more often like last time!! =D But currently, I am soooo hooked on to this whole e-shop thingy!!!!!