I started this blog cause I've been reading alot of blog lately and it makes me feel that its nice to have a place where I can write about anything - things that makes me happy, sad, angry, bitchy, crazy, irritated, excited, or just simply about things that I like, my cravings!! - I've got LOTSA cravings and also things that I WANT but cannot have . PLUS, occasionally when I need to bitch I can turn to my blog too.... Yes, I can be very bitchy (at times) and likes to complain ALOT..... and I get irritated very fast and NEEDS to bitch about it.... so you people out there.... don't step on my tail cause I wont let you go!!!!! I will bitch about u here for the rest of the world to know!!! muahahahahaha
Wow... its a good feeling knowing that I have a bitching outlet.... maybe it will make me a better person cause when I have the need to bitch I don't have to complain (so much) to my friends about it and hence i wont look like such a bitch to them..... hehehe this sounds like a great idea!!
And hence.... a new blog is born.....
Welcome to the PINK ATTITUDE..... Its not all about bitching..... only occasionally.....
Pink is not just a colour. Its an ATTITUDE.
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