I don't want it to end =((((((((((
I want it to last forever =))))))))
Have been sooooo lazy lately.....
not updating my e-shop
and not updating my blog
and not doing a lot of things
I don't know why, but I just feel that I don't have enough time!!
Why is there so much things to do....
Why am I always distracted to do other things than what I should be doing
Actually, what should I be doing in the first place?
People my age are either getting married, having baby, furthering their studies, building relationships, learning new things like sign languages!!! ( I really got a friend learning that ok!! going for classes somemore!!) or at least doing something purposeful or meaningful in life but what about me??
But I don't wanna be doing that!! Don't get me wrong, I do wanna do something purposeful and meaningful but just not those mentioned above!! (At least not at this moment) I don't know what I want to be doing..... However, I do know I want to go for holiday!! haha
Seems like the only way to get away from my life here or to break away from routine is to go for a holiday! Mimi is tempting me with europe again end of the year!! I know I have just went in May this year but but but its just too tempting to resist..... Plus the thought of being left behind alone is just too sad!! =P Then sis is tempting me with shopping in USA and Barcelona!!Ahhhhh..... how can anyone resist shopping!! Honeydrew is tempting me with constantly asking where to go for the next oversea trip and with lotsa tempting suggestions that get me all excited.... I is temping myself with Japan!! =P I wish I could do all these..... Only problem besides taking leave from work is, can someone teach me how to print money? HAHA

MSN Conversation with a friend who sends me RM50 notes to be printed out!! How I wish I can really do that eh??
Sometimes it makes me think if I should spend so much on travelling!! I can't find the balance and almost always cant say no to any opportunity to hop into a holiday! You know the saying that "life is short and you should enjoy it", or "what's the point of earning money and not spending it".... you know.... the balance on splurge and spend, spending on what you need instead of splurging on what you want..... sigh..... I sound like someone in a mid life crisis who is confuse and indecisive!! Do I need another holiday? But I am feeling a bit depressed not knowing when my next holiday is!! Its as if I've got nothing to look forward to.....
Apa lar!! sometimes I wonder if I think too much or is everyone just like this? Sigh.... what is life?? What do you want in life?
Recently I've been thinking a lot about another thing which is a very big part in everyone's life and that is relationship!! So much have happened to relationships of people around me, or people around the people around me!! haha but that is altogether another post for another day!! Life is complicated enough without relationships and its even more complicated with it!
OK, back to my life.....
p/s: I wrote everything and almost wanted to click "publish post" and realised that I have actually written all this in my e-shop blog instead!! Good thing I realised it before clicking publish or else my shoppers will think who is this psycho!! muahahahahaha
Hi Tracia,
Been following your blog for a while now, find the stuffs that you write pretty interesting.
Also envy your handbags and overseas traveling. Well, I'd say traveling keeps me alive. So if you have people who can accompany you and you have the time off from work as well as money, why not?
It's the happiness that you get from the trip and memories made that are priceless...
If I were you, I'd be so happy that I'd be planning for all the holidays now!
Hi Jen!
Happy to know that you read my blog! I didn't thought anyone actually reads it except for a hand full of my friends! haha
Thanks for your advice =) I would love to be planning for all the holidays but I must first learn how to print money!! kaka =P
But I totally agree with you that the happiness and memories from holidays are the best!! =)
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