Anyway I baked Oreo cupcakes!! I didn't want it to be too sweet and hence I put less sugar but seems like I put a bit too little cause my cupcakes wasn't sweet at all!! But then, when eaten with the Swiss Meringue Butter Cream on top, I think it’s just nice =D Not too sweet =D I loveyyyyyyy the chocolate swiss meringue butter cream!! YUMZ!!!! (Of course la cause I use Hershey's Cooking chocolate and also dark chocolate bought by my sis from London!! *kaka* its soooo yummy and cause cooking chocolate has no sugar and dark chocolate is not very sweet and hence the cream is just nice =D YUMZ YUMZ...... cause when you make the meringue, you have to add sugar already and if the chocolates are also very sweet then it will be too sweet but this one is just nice =D
As for the cake, I think it is a bit too flour-y. I haven't seen a cake that uses sooo much flour!!! I think, if the cake is eaten just on its own it tasted a bit flour-y but with the swiss meringue buttercream I think its ok!! Not perfecto but still yummy enough =D
Here are the ingredients - Eh I use Australian Butter k!! *hehe* but not sure if Oreo is also affected!!
Rise rise rise!!!
Yummy looking Oreo cupcakes =D
Here are the pretty pretty cupcakes!! =P I miss decorating cupcakes!! The best part of making cupcakes!!
Paking it to bring to work for my colleagues! =D
I know, I know, its the same old designs!! Cause I haven't been baking for a while and I thought I shall practice it and make it for the bazaar this saturday!! I have even bought all the stuff!! However, I have decided not to make it cause...........
We did a count while folding and packing everything into bags to bring to the bazaar and.....
for NEW ARRIVALS, we have got 17 items!!
Items that we have bought but have not worn before, most of it still has their tags on also 17 items
and..... jeng jeng jeng...... we have got 191 2nd hand / pre loved items to sell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it??? *haha* So do come grab it!!!!!!! Cause alot alot of MNG, Topshop, Zara, Esprit, Padini and etc items!!!!!!! Out of that, 144 items will be sold at RM5!!!!!!!! Which includes 23 Shirts & Jackets, 23 Skirts & Shorts, 10 Dresses and 88 Tops!!!!!!!! The rest of the items will be sold at RM10, RM20 and RM30 which includes dresses, evening gowns, jackets, tops and etc.... Plus 2 Edmundser Power Suits to be sold at RM50!!! COME! COME! COME! *pong chan me larrrrrrrrrrrrr* hehe
So..... thats why I wont be selling cupcakes lar.... maybe some other time!! Cause I am worried if our booth have enough space for all our clothes!!!!!
HHHmmm.... anyway....... here are some photos from a few meet ups that I had with my friends =D
Met up with Luwern & HF @ Alexis!! I haven't seen Luwern for about 2 years!!!!! She's my college mate and Me, Luwern, Lier & Rinnie was my gang during college days!!! We always go for breakfast together during our break time in between classes at Peppercorn (this cosy place that serves english big breakfast) until the owner of the shops also remembers us!! I used to call Luwern Moana cause she likes to moan just about everything and Lier is Meana cause she is just so mean!! But in a funny kinda way!! Luwern calls Lier Fastmore cause she always finishes her home work in class and is very fast in everything!! and I am Slowmore cause I do everything very slowly!! Rinnie is No More casue she left half way to take up a different course. After Rinnie left, HF joined our gang!! And me & HF also went to Bristol together studying the same course!! But Lier is in USA now and Luwern is in UK. I can't remember when was the last time all 4 of us met up!! Probably was in 2005 when we went to Bangkok together to meet HF!! Anyway it was really good catching up with Luwern!!
Luwern, HF & I
Then had a farewell dinner with Calvin!! He is leaving to Singapore for work!! I know him through Val (as they were colleagues) but he is also Thomas's school friend! He then became my partner in badminton and comes pick me for badminton every Sunday!! Whenever I partner him, I always win!! Kaka Cause he will be chasing after the shuttle left and right behind me while I just try to avoid the shuttle from hitting me in front!! *haha* Anyway after I started going out with honeydrew, we just drifted apart but we still meet up occasionally for dinners, pool and clubbing in a group together with val, yu lin and jolyn.
Yulin & Calvin - we had dinner at this new found place!! Really good dishes!! We were supposed to go somewhere else, but then the restaurant was closed and we passed by this restaurant and it was crowded, so we just thought of trying this place and it turned out to be a really good place!! Its somewhere near Pearl Point at Old Klang Road!! The special prawns, spare ribs and asam fish were extremely good!!!!!
After that, we went for pool at After Hours @ Solaris, KL Soho - I lovey this pool place cause it’s bright and not as crowded or smoky as Breakers!! Our new fav pool place! Plus, their strawberry milkshake is delicious!!!!!!! =D
Me, Jo & Calvin
Me, YL & Val
All in Black!! Me, Calvin & Val
I also met up with Auntie, Uncle, Mingsiang, Elisa & Hubby last week!! We had dinner @ Paddington House of Pancakes and then Elisa & hubby met us later @ Starbucks!! Haven't seen auntie since she started her new job!!!! Its good catching up too and MingSiang is leaving to Abu Dhabi!! =((((( less one kaki already!!! And no one to tell us funny stories with all the actions and sound effects!!!!
I lovey pancakes!! =D
Elisa is sooooo pregnant!!!!!!!!!!! She is gonna due end of this month!!!! So exciting!!!
My ginrami kakis!! But I can't remember when was the last time we played!! *haha* We used to play right after work on Saturdays like 3pm to about 4am!!!! But that's the good old days before Elisa was pregnant!!
However, I did play gin during the deepavali weekend with Val, HF and Yulin..... Missed playing gin!! But we were not that hardcore lar.... we played from 2pm -7pm only....
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