Friday, 13 August 2010

Bad mood >(

Am in a bad mood today
Just get mang zhang very fast!

Is it because I've been really really busy and a bit stress at work? Seriously so many projects going on at the same time and some needs lotsa work done but is given to me very last minute.

Or is it because of lack of sleep! If u see that I have updated my e-shop with new arrivals that means I am spending a lot of time on taking photos, editing, uploading and posting. Also need to see what others are selling to survey survey so sleep very late every night! That's why coffee is my new best friend. But sometimes so busy at work I only remember to drink it in the afternoon!

Or perhaps its my period coming soon? Blaming it on the hormones!

Or is it I am feeling angry at myself for keep gaining weight and increasing waistline? I don't wanna be fat again!! Although I'm kinda am now!! But I don't wanna go back to what I was last time but somehow I can see myself heading that direction! Does coffee make u fat????

Good thing HD called me and cheered me up a little. He even gave me his FB password so that I can.... Haha

Am typing this from my BB on my bed... dozing off soon... I seriously need more sleep! Slept at 2.30am yesterday night!! Ok nitez... Sweet dreams to me...
May tomorrow be a happier me =)

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