Monday, 9 May 2011

Every weekend

Every weekend is just about doing stuff for wedding / house....
So many decisions to make
So much money need to be spent

I am glad to say that I have at least confirmed my venue, actual day and pre wedding photographer, bridal house, wedding favour and will be soon confirming wedding deco and hopefully make up artist and wedding cake vendor as well...

Here is my first make up trial ;) I kinda like it but both my mimi and HD said that my eyes are too dark!! My sis said my eyelash looks weird! Haha! The hairstyle is done by myself as I have not decided what hairstyle to do since my fitting will only be in July!

I am still looking for videographer, wedding card printer, wine supplier, and of course the most headache of all the guest list!! Oh and also bridesmaids dresses! My own dress also not confirmed yet! But I have bought my wedding shoes already! haha

We have also gotten keys for our new house =D Am so excited bout that.....
For the house we have done nothing so far!! Only gotten 2 quotations for kitchen cabinets and 1 quotation for renovation works! So so so so much more to do!!

Am also afraid that with so many decisions need to be made, there are bound to be differences in opinions which will lead to arguments / fights! So far no major arguments YET but somehow, I can see it happening sooner or later =P BOO!! =(

We both also decided to go for a pre marriage course highly recommended by 2 of my friends! It's a 6 sessions course and I really hope that we will gain from it.... but at the same time am afraid of all the differences that we'll found out about each other from the course! However, I still believe that talking bout it is better than not talk about it! That is why I am really keen to go for this course even though its organized by church but am assured that the course is not about christianity but communication between a couple! This will take up my weekends time as well!

Busy busy busy!!!
so many things to do
so little time & $$$$$ haha

1 comment:

Sweet Lily said...

Absolutely wonderful! This is the style that I'm looking for.
I'll introduce this blog to my wife. :)