Last week, I was invited to
1) Dr Chong's (My CEO) Birthday Party at her house =)
2) Coach Cocktail Party =DDDDDD
3) Dinner & Wii Night at Val's
Last Saturday was Dr Chong's birthday and she had a small tea party at the office and also a huge party at her house. The caterer at her house was really good and their curry laksa, prawn mee and tau fu far was YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY!!! *So much carbs!!* But anyway it was well worth it!! =)
The curry laksa and prawn mee stall =P~

Sr. Jenny the Nursing Director, Ms Ch'ng the COO (My half boss - as I have got 2 bosses) and Me =)

Me & Jia Fu (also known as Carrefour and his brother is Jia Ern who is known as Giant *haha* So its Giant and Carrefour!! Such a cute coincidence!! and that's how Ms Ch'ng introduced her two boys!!)

Jia Ern, Me, Jia Fu and a mischievous boy =)

The backyard of Dr Chong's house is a mini zoo with doggies, lotsa birds and rabbits. She also have 2 cats one called "long" and another called "kang" cause she picked up both cats from the drain "longkang"
Then on Monday, I went for Coach Cocktail Party at The Gardens for the launch of their Spring Collection =) Thanks to Val who has got the invites and asked me along =) Am sooo happy bout it =) I lovey Coach!! *hehe*

The invitation card
Though the launch was nothing much, we just went there to eat, drink and watch the fashion show. And I also met a school friend that I haven't seen since Form 5!! What a coincidence to meet Tse Yin there and she is even there with her husband!! This show how time flies.....
Anyway, I didn't take much photos cause I wasn't sure if we were allowed to take photos in the shop and didn't want to embarrass myself if someone comes and tell me off. But towards the end of the fashion show I realised they were other people taking photos and when I took my camera out, the models were about to leave already and I only got one shot of them.... here....

The 4 models were super tall and super fair... They look like mannequin from the pictures but they are real ok!! hehe
These 2 are real mannequins!! haha
We were served wines and thai food. But all the food were held by waiter/waitress and hence I quite pai seh to take photos of it. Their food comes in bite sizes, mango salad serve in soup spoon, various thai appetizers like thai fish cakes, money bag, prawn toast, and etc, then pad thai is served in a cocktail glasses and cutest of all is tom yum soup served in shot glasses =) haha. When Val saw someone holding the shot glasses she some more told me "eh got shots to drink" which we later found out its actually tom yum soup =)

Me & Val, the one who invited me to the party =)
And oh, while we are at to topic of Coach, I lovey lovey the new optic signature carly!!!! It looks really gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! But..... I shall refrain myself =( *save money* sigh......... should I get it ar????????????????????????? hehe

And I super super super super LOVEYYYYYYYYYY the raspberry optic signature range!!!!!!!!!! IT IS SUPERRRRRRRR PRETTYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't you think so?? I think i die die also want something of this range!!!!!!! and I am going to get this wristlet =))))))))))) YIPPIEEEEEEEE

The wallet is super gorgeous too..... but I am happy with my current wallet...... so..... sighhhhhhh again......... I see the bright bright pink my heart also melt ar....................... sighhhhhhh........

And on Tuesday night, I went to Val's house for dinner and Wii Night =) So pai seh lar her maid always cook for me also =/ *hehe*

Guess what are they doing?? They are actually boxing each other!!

Anyway it was a fun fun fun night. My all time favourite game is still tennis. I played soooo many round of tennis with Yu Lin cause every time either one loses, the other wants a rematch. So I think both our skills are about same as we have almost equal winnings and most of the matches are quite a close win.
My other favourite game now is cow racing!!! *hehe* You need to race against each other and also knocking down the scarecrows to collect points.... its really more fun to turn, speed and slow down using the Wii Controller instead of the usual joystick or pressing the control buttons!!

Cow race!! but too bad its maximum for 2 players only. So the best is still tennis and 4 player tennis is soooo fun and sooooo real =)
Me with no make up and specs =) Kiasu mar scared I cannot see clearly and lose.... kaka

Some of the other games that we played. I quite like the fishing too....
OK will end my post with some food photos.... the things we had on the day before my sis, yuni went back to her hardbreadland aka Germany

Dim Sum for brunch

The sinfully delicious Banofee Pie and Sticky Chocolate Brownie with Ice Cream for tea

Japanese Dinner =)