SOOOOOO many birthdays in June and July lar!!!
First we had the SMART gathering for June babies and that is Regie, Victor and forgot who’s birthday!! HAHA Sorry lar those junior batches one I can't remember all their names lar!! =P Anyway this gathering was quite a successful one as the turn out was actually quite good!! The gathering was at Borneo Rainforest, a restaurant and bar right opposite the Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa.
Me, Elisa and Aunty
*Sighhhhhhhhhh out of topic a bit but I'm so sad lar talking bout SMART...... all my kakis in Sunway is leaving me one by one.... Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............................. =(((((((((((( I will soon have no more friends in Sunway!! Then I have to hang out with real aunties lar!! ish!!*
You see out of the 6 people here more than half has left or going to leave..... *sigh* (and I look so red from the beer!!)
Anyway, back to the birthday gathering, as usual we will have lotsa beer and finger food. Since the attendance was quite good, we actually played some ice breaking game because not everyone knows everyone!! *But still after the game I still can’t remember everyone’s name!!* We collected name cards from everyone and also even added name cards that we have of random people, then everyone have to pick a card and guess who that person is or if that person is here or not. If you guess wrongly, then you will have to drink!! Then the person whom you guessed correctly will have to give three statements where one of it is true and you have to guessed which one is true!! Since I am so bad at names I obviously get the name wrong because I think I only know the names of the people until SMART 5, the rest of them some are even my first time meeting them that day!! Cause I only goes for all these gatherings when my kakis go la and sighhhhhhhhh again...... next time no one will go with me dy!! =(((((((((((( sighhhhhhhhhh
Before this, all the food just went to the other tables and we have got none!! I have to go curi from other tables!! Then we used elisa as an excuse (because she is pregnant) to ask the waiter to put all the food on our table!! *HAHA* This is the benefit of having a pregnant lady on your table!! Then it’s so funny when one waiter actually got worried when we told him that all the food comes to our table.... he got worried because he actually put some food on another table!! *haha* he was like but I put one there just now.... He looked so worried that I think he thought he did a big mistake or what....... haha see him looked so worried so we told him its ok!!
Group photos
and finally the birthday cake!! YUMZ... cheesecake....
Then June is also HF's birthday..... Me & Val got her a therapeutic pillow where she can put the pillow in the microwave to warm it up or put it in the fridge to cool it.... its for when you are having aches, cramps or even just to relax your muscles.... And we also celebrated at Paddington House of Pancakes.....
For ONCE, I didn't order my usual dish but venture into something more interesting.... blueberry pancakes with cheese, ham and scrambled eggs - with honey!! Sounds weird eh!! Sweet and savory add together!! However, the honey goes really well with the blueberry pancake!! Very yummy!! Tell me something that’s not nice in paddington..... their menu is soooo extensive that I always have a hard time deciding what to order and that’s why I always ordered back the same old thing!!
The dessert is really a killer.... everything is coated in chocolate and nuts!! *SINFUL*
HF, Val & Me
Oh then July is Uncle's and Aunty's birthday!! Me, elisa and TMS celebrated with them, we had a great makan session at Nong & Jimmy!! Ate soooo soooo soooo much!! Plus the food was reallyyyyy good!! We had 2 types of crabs, grilled and the thai style one..... then we had grilled squid where one is not enough and Aunty wants another one!! We also ordered mango kerabu, the yummy fried rice, the steam fish in thai style - spicy and sour!! Everything was super yummy =D
TMS, me, elisa, aunty and uncle
As we know we will be very full from dinner, hence elisa suggested to get slices of cakes and I thought a large cupcake will be cuter..... so I get the cupcake from D'lish =D Do you know I have such a hard time thinking of what to get for these two people as their birthday pressie!! Both of them was so thoughtful and made me so happy for my birthday that I wanted to do the same for them...... But I just didn't know what to buy!! I shopped alone for like 3 hours to buy two pressies!! And being the indecisive me, it just didn't help!! I kept texting elisa for her opinions!! *haha* Anyway in the end we got her a sweet silk like nightie with purple motifs and him a pink shirt!! Haha.... I actually wanted to get a purple shirt since she likes purple but they ran out of his size and so pink it is!! HAHA Anyway I am glad that aunty likes her nightie..... Oh and I made both of them a birthday card each!! Though it’s a really simple one but I haven't made a card for a loooong time!! *haha* so it’s the thought that counts!! =P

Them posing with their pressies.... And look at the last pic!! Uncle trying to use his fingers to make nipples show from the nightie!!
Then there’s also Shirley, Michie, WayLoon and Thomas' birthday in July too!! You see soooooo many people's birthday lar...... Anyway Happy Happy Birthday to all of you!! Hope everyone had or will have a great birthday.... May all your dreams come true and many many happy returns to all you June & July babies!!
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