Thursday 21 August 2008


I thought you were nice, I respected you and even look up to you as a mentor, and always look for you when I needed guidance and advise.... But I guess I have misjudge you.....

Why do people only do things for their own benefit without even thinking how the other person feel?? I don't deny I am selfish too but I do not purposely hurt others or slowly take away other people's things behind their back without their knowledge!! Do you know that if you tell or ask me, I may just give it to you with both hands? I am angry not because I lost what is suppose to be mine, but with the fact that you sneak behind my back doing things little by little to get what you want. It just despise me!!

I have kept quiet even knowing it for a long time because I am waiting for you to tell me. When I finally realised that you are not going to and decided to confront you with it, you have the guts to tell me that you are doing it because of the company's benefit??? MY GOD!!! How can you even bring yourself to say such a thing like you are sooooo righteous and so selfless when you are being confronted on why you are doing all these behind my back?? Are you really that wai dai??? I see more of your own benefit than the company's!! Some more you can tell me at my face that you ALWAYS think of the company's benefit!! *pui*

I so totally not expecting an answer like that and I just didn't know what to say.... However I am really disappointed with you. You are not who I thought you are.

Do you know it is worse that you are always so nice and helpful on the surface but this is what I discover inside?? The disappointment and the disgusting feeling inside me is 10 times more than if this is done to me by someone who is irritating and mean. At least I would have expected it.

Is work competition really so great that everyone needs to be like this? Do you really need to use dirty tricks to be successful at work? Is there really no true friendship between your working peers?

I really hope you are not what I think you are now. I really hope I have not misjudge you previously but have misjudge you now. I hope the bond and relationship we had is real. I hope the things you have told me all these while is from your heart and not just an act.


Anonymous said...

Trouble is part of our life, u can actually treat this as a lesson learned. It is better to look ahead and be prepared. I remember Oprah Winfrey said : Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don't fight them. Just find a different way to stand.

Little Sparrow

It's Me said...

u know wat, tracia...i never take any of my colleague as my true frens ever since I was being betrayed by the ugly bitch in my first job...and I learnt to 'kin yan kong yan wah, kin kwai kong kwai wah' (c human tok human language, c ghost tok ghost language)...

Princezz T said...

Hi Little Sparrow, thanks for the advice.... you / oprah is right!! I have to find a different way to stand but I also want to let her know that she cannot step all over me as well =D
btw, do we know each other?? hehe

it's me, yah i know your ugly bitch story.... hehe.... and i do agree that it is difficult to be real friends with your working peers... so sad.... luckily we don't work together =D

Anonymous said...

NOPE, we don't know each other. Came accross your blog through dunno which blog liao. Anyway, luv ur blog especially u & ur sis BAKING skills...i can't do that u know. You guys are just amazing!!!

Little Sparrow