Anyway... so much have happened over the past few months that I dont even know where to start.... ok I will just update abit on what I'm up to while I was MIA the past few months
In May, I was finally transfered!! Yeay!! Really happy about the transfered and I like my 2 new bosses. I am officially not doing anything related to engineering anymore!!
Then Cindy got her job in Singapore and there goes my gym partner =(. Oh and before she left for Singapore her 8 years bf Mr.Pendek proposed to her and I am bridesmaid for the first time!!!!! YEAYYYYYYYY so happy bout that!! hehe
In June, I have gotten my PINK Sony Ericsson!!!! YIPPIE YEAY!! YIPPIE YO!! I lovey my phone... even beautify it with swarovski crystals!!
Also...... Erm.... SMART 2 had a gathering?? haha does that count as something as well?? Anyway it has been a long time since we all meet up in a group and suprisingly on that day almost everyone who is still in Malaysia turned up!! Almost cause the two Siews as always seldom go for outing/gathering - the two Siews as in Siew May and Siew Ling!! haha
The back two is Beetch Yu and Elisa (My new ginrami kaki). Then the front rows from L-R is Regie, Michie, Shirley aka Gigi Besi and Me =)
Oh the guy in the middle is MengYang and he told us that he is getting married and kena from everyone cause he did not inform us earlier!! But congrats!! He didn't even want to tell us his wife's name and we only got it from him at the end of the night just imagine how difficult is it for us to make him tell us how he proposed!! Finally we found out that he did it in his room on a CHAIR!! kaka
These two are my Cheh Cheh (sisters) in GIAD times!! We had such good and fun times!!
The dessert on the left is my FAVOURITE dessert in Delicious!! The yummy yummy sticky Banofee Pie!! *I LOVE* <3>
In July I went to Hong Kong!! YIPPIE!! Had a really great shopping and food holiday!! Will blog about all the food I ate next time!! hehe since alot of my friends are going to HK and it can be a guide for them.... eh I really put in alot of time and effort to find out where got nice food u know!! How many blogs I read and websites i search high and low!! Also thanks to my sis who went there just few months ago lar!!
In August, my younger sis Yuni, I mean Chooiyun (she doesn't want to be called Yuni anymore =/) is back.... and I end up much poorer!! hehe Not complaining.... I like her company but yeah... end up going out more often and eating out more often as well....
Me & Yuni @ Delicious - bringing her to try all my favourite food mar!!
In September, I am happy happy.... in my older post (monthsssss ago *shy*), I mentioned that I wanted a pink car right?? HEHE Nope, I didnt get a pink car, instead I have gotten myself a brand new sleek black Honda City!! But that was because the Honda salesman told me that they stop coming out with pink Jazz!!! That was my first choice ok!! I did not betray pink.... hehe *guilty*
Ok that's it for now.... btw, I am sooooo FAT lately.... all thanks to the Malacca Challenge!! Yeah I know it was my idea but I thought it would be fun!! BUT..... end up I put on 2.5 kg in one weekend!! *regret* *regret* will tell you all about the Malacca Challenge when I have gotten all the photos!!
Oh Oh and one more thing.... I AM OFFICIALLY ADDICTED TO FACEBOOK!!!!!!! hehe
sooooooooo addicted that I have to refrain myself from logging into Facebook during office hour.... but lunch time doesnt count ok!!!!!! hehehe I need to earn munny to feed my Oreo!! hehe
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