Anyway, we had the Hen's Night at The Loft. We arrived quite early.
I didn't know any of her friends, except for Cindy!!
Then there was this guy at the next table, he said hi to me and we started chatting. He then asked me what do I do. Since I was in a lazy mood to explain about my work to him, I told him that I am not working. He seems shocked and the whole conversation then became me talking cock and coming out with reasons why I don't work. And the crap talk became more fun and I got more into it and just pointed at this guy friend of mine and said "You see the guy over there?? We hired him for tonight Hen's Night!" He seems to totally believe in what I have told him and even asked me alot of questions about what this guy we hired will do for us. I told him that we booked a room at Sheraton and he will perform for us there. I even told him that this guy is willing to do alot of things cause when we selected him, the agent gave us a file with a lot of photos and below every photos they will tick what they are willing to do and this guy is willing to do alot of things!! *I got this idea from the time when I went with my Mimi to the maid agency to choose maids* HAHA Anyway I really enjoyed crapping with him!!OK back to the Hen's Night. Cindy claims that Tracy is really sporting. So I thought Tracy would get absolutely drunk but she left the club in a sober state!! *dissapointed* She can even drive all of us home!!
Look at the amount of liquor we had there!! But mostly *NOT* consumed by the bride to be......
Anyway, this is the bride to be then..... TRACY!!!!
She is not wearing a blue dress.... It's actually an apron and those white round stuff are actually polo sweets!! She needs to walk around the club in that and get strangers to buy those polo sweets from her for RM5 and they have to bite it off her apron!!! Like this!!
There were quite a few more games and some she refuses to do. The rule was, if she do the task given, she don't have to drink. If she manage to persuade a friend / a friend is willing to do the task for her, then she has to drink 1 glass. However, if she don't want to do the task and none of her friends want to do it as well, then she has to drink 3 glasses!! *But she didnt exactly followed the rules!!*
Anyway, there is this game where she needs to find a male stranger to "kiap" a banana (put the banana between his leg) and then she has to peel the banana with her mouth without using hands and then eat the banana after that! I even managed to find a guy who is willing to "kiap" a banana in a club for her!!!!! There.....
But she didnt want to do it, then Cindy wanted to do it for her and at the last minute when everyone is ready for some action, she asked Cindy not to do it and she did rather drink!! How potong stim is that!! haha So difficult to find a guy to do that and somemore an ok looking guy *not too bad lar right??*
Anyway those games that she did sportingly played along was to do a blow job using a banana and to remove her bra and go bra-less for the rest of the night!! Oh and she did dance with someone wearing red as well.... We also had this task where she have to go look for 5 condoms.... and guess what??? She walked around the club twice asking people and none of them have condoms!!!! Can you believe it???? Either people dont practice protection or they don't intend to get lucky so they don't carry any with them OR they are hoping to get lucky and is reserving the condom for themselves!!
She broke the banana while demonstrating her blow job skills!!
Oh and you know this Cindy got sooooo drunk the day before Tracy's wedding where she cried and laughed for no apparent reason. She also starts talking really loud with all the foul languages!!! Then she starts playing with her saliva. Everyone just started to ignore her and go to sleep and she still keeps laughing by herselves!! HAHA First time I see her in this state!! But one funny thing about her is that even in her drunken state, she still insists that she wants to brush her teeth and wash her face before she goes to sleep!! Funny Woman!!Cindy in her drunk laughing state!!
Then the wedding day!! I was actually quite excited about the "heng dai" games as it was my first time playing *First time cause all my close friends not married also!!* Even asked around and came out with the list of games to play those "heng dais". But was TOTALLY ABSOLUTELY DISSAPOINTED that the groom turned up one hour late - ON PURPOSE!!!! To avoid being played as we need to be in church on time!! Then in the end after much negotiation, that "Dai Kam Cheh" *hate her* only allows them to play 3 games (due to lack of time) and those idiots still want to delay the time and refuse to do as we say. The 3 games they just simply play it and then gave the ang pow and went in..... *BORING* Veryyyyyyyy potong stim!!!!! Everyone was dissapointed and not happy with the way the "heng dai" behaved. It just defeat this whole purpose of having "ji muis" and "heng dais". I don't see whats wrong with being played once in your life time for the fun of it, to show all your wife's closest friends and relatives how much you love her and how much you want to marry her that you are willing to do anything to get her!!!! Also, what is the use of your "heng dais"?? Why are they called "heng dais"?? To support the groom, your "brother" / buddy to get his wife and hence helped him with the task!! If not then why does he need to bring any "heng dais" STUPID larrrrrrrrrrrrrrr somemore they got the nerve to think that they are so great and say that their strategy of coming late on purpose works!!!
Anyway, hoped this won't happen to Cindy's wedding next year or, my own wedding in the future!!!!!!!! I want my husband to be sporting and I want his "heng dais" to be sporting!!!!! I want everyone to have a good fun time, to laugh and remember my wedding because it was so fun!! HAHA!
After the tea ceremony we proceed to the church.....
Pen, the pretty Bride & Me
Group photo at the church
Then the Wedding Dinner at Tai Thong.
Me, Cindy and King
Cindy being the bridesmaid and King being the person incharge of the songs for the night both were quite busy and running around. Hence, left the poor me alone bored to death!! Bored until I camwhore myself at the toilet!! KAKA
More camwhoring photos.....
I like my dress =) Its the type of silk material that I likey!!
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