Life is full of decisions!! This time round its a decision that will change my future and my career!! Met up with the Group HR last Monday and while we were chatting I told her that I am interested to learn more about Finance and she briefly suggested that the ICAEW program. Hence I told her that I will find out more bout that and in the mean time she let me know more details about it as well. Then on Wednesday, she called me and told me that she had arranged for me to meet with Balbeer!!! *Balbeer is the GM for Finance SSC* I was in a shocked as I have not made any decisions and am not ready to meet him!! Hence I told her that I will check with Clement *A guy who is doing this program* first before meeting Balbeer since I might see Clement in the Managers' Conference on Saturday!! So... on Saturday I met Clement and asked him bout it.... He told me briefly bout the program. You will be bond of 3 years *As company will be sponsoring the whole program - unless you failed your paper then you will have to pay for your own resit* but the 3 years includes the 3 years which you will be studying and taking exams so that is alright for me. Within the 3 years you will be rotated a few months in Corporate Finance, Finance SSC, Price Waterhouse Coopers as auditor and Group Internal Audit Department. *which I think is a good exposure for me especially if I want to go into Finance* You will also get 1 months of paid leave plus 5 days of study leave before your exams *which is good* You will be treated as a confirmed staff with basic salary and all.... so... what am I still thinking about?? What are my worries??
First, ICAEW is not an easy program!! I'm not sure if I can pass all the exams!! I'm not sure if Finance IS what I want to do *though I have interest in it now* I'm afraid that if I failed the exams and then decided that Finance is not for me, then I will be stuck no where!!! I don't know if I really am ready to become a student again!! Studying and exams are really stressful!! I'm not sure if I want to change my current comfortable carefree lifestyle to a stressful and long hours career in Finance *that's what Val said*
OK let's talk bout why I want to do it!! It will be a good change if it really turn out to be something I like. It opens up and widens my career opportunities. Since I am not doing any engineering related work already, its good to have another qualification to back me up. With the ICAEW qualification, I may be able to look for jobs in the UK or work oversea....
It is a risk!!!! So, shall I or shall I not take this risk?? Will I be able to preserve and withstand all the stress and hardwork required in this program?? Those that I talked to has been telling me its not easy especially without any Accounting and Finance background!! I'm not sure if I should take this step!! Am I up for it?? I don't know......
Anyway on a lighter note, talking about all these decisions making, just to update from my previous blog, I have decided not to do the eyelash extension *I went swimming last thurs and today ok!!* On thursday Val even asked her maid to cook dinner for me after we swam!! She's so nice!! hehe Yeah cause being Mimi-less means that I have to look for my own lunch and dinner =(
Oh and also, the black dog, I'm not gonna be so heartless and bring her away. Mimi suggested to put her at the back of the house. I'm fine with that. To be fair to her, she is actually quite a good dog, very obedient as well..... but I still don't like her.... maybe one day I will but not now.....
Oh Oh and you know, during the Sunway Managers' Conference on Saturday, Tan Sri announce that Sunway Group will practice 5 days week starting 1st December!!!!!!!!!! The moment I heard that I was SOOOOO SOOOOOO SOOOOOOOO happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its just like happiness bursting out of my heart!!!!!! THEN.... it struck us that we may not get it!!!!!!!!! Cause we are in the service industry and most of the staff are operation staff..... imagine how potong stim is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =((((((((((((( I really really wish and hope and pray that tomorrow they will announce that we will follow the Group's decision and follow the 5 days week policy!!!!! That will be a dream come true.............
Oh Oh Oh and you know, I cooked for lunch today!! hehe the last time I cooked was in Val's house during Raya and I made appertizers, YuLin made main course and Val made desserts.
Appetizers I made, Portobella Mushrooms stuffed with Minced Pork and grilled with Cheese on top. Then the remaining minced pork I rolled it with bacon and fried it.

Since I have been putting up photos on food, I my as well put up these pretty cupcakes photos that I took at the office that day!! These are actually for Dr Chong *My CEO* from her guests/friends but she always shares it with the office..... No wonder I am getting fatter and fatter!!
Ok I have actually uploaded photos from Tracy's hen's night and wedding. I have gotten all the photos of the Malacca Challenge as well!! So will blog bout these next time!!
1 comment:
The ICAEW programme is basically an accountant qualification. If you really want to do that, you can try applying for one of those jobs at accounting firm, that way you get the qualification without the bond! Let me know if you want to know more!
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