On our third day, we booked a day trip to Blue Mountain. Blue Mountain is a range of geological sandstone structures (something like Grand Canyon in USA). A large part of the Blue Mountains is incorporated in the Greater Blue Mountains Area World Heritage Site and its constituent seven national parks and a conservation reserve.
Anyway, our tour started off with a visit to the Featherdale Wildlife Park, (according to the tour guide it is the best wildlife park in Sydney!) *No comments cause I have only been to this wildlife park in Sydney!! haha* Anyway I quite like it as compared to the one we went to in Melbourne. Here we can hand feed Kangaroos, pat Koalas and have our photos taken with Koalas and also see different types of Australian animals including Tasmanian Devils, Wombats, Fairy Penguins, Dingoes and etc. It's also my first time seeing them in the real thing!! Especially Kangaroos, Koalas and Penguins!!! *hearts*
Our tour guide (which is quite irritating) giving us a demo on how to throw a returning boomerang! He is irritating because he keeps pointing out people who made traffic mistakes like that car shouldn't be on this lane, the driver is talking on the phone, that car exceeded the speed limit and etc.... I seriously think that he wanted to be a traffic police but somehow was not accepted in and ended up being a tour guide!! *haha* and also, he keeps asking questions and no one wants to answer him but he still continue asking!!
Then we reached the Blue Mountains Area!! No wonder it is called Blue Mountains!! =P The name is derived from the bluish tinge the range takes on, which is caused by a process known as Mie Scattering. Mie Scattering occurs when incoming ultraviolet radiation is scattered by particles within the atmosphere. When Mie Scattering occurs incoming radiation lengths mix as no wave length is predominant over another creating a blue-greyish colour to any distant objects (such as mountain ranges or even clouds).
We then stopped at the Blue Mountains National Park for a walk and photos!
Then after that we stopped at the Scenic World.

We are supposed to first take the Scenic Skyway, then go down with the Katoomba Scenic Railway, and then walk through temperate rainforests and then go back up with the cable car and take the Skyway back!
The Scenic Skyway cable car has a glass-bottom!
No prize for guessing which fingers are mine!! =P
After the Skyway ride, we reached the Skyway Centre and had lunch with spectacular views in the heart of the mountains!
The view we had while having lunch
Paella with Corcodile Meat!!
Stir fried Kangaroo Fillet!! According to the tour guide, kangaroo meat is the best meat to eat as it has no fat in it and it is high in protein! It actually tasted like lean beef or deer meat to me =D
After lunch we took the railway down. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the Katoomba Scenic Railway is the steepest railway in the world , and is also originally part of the Katoomba mining tramways constructed between 1878 and 1900.

My mimi was so scared and insisted she wants to sit in between my dad and bro cause she thought that it is like a roller coaster ride!! *haha* but after the ride, she say its nothing to be scared of!

The Katoomba Coal Mine
After that, the three sisters took photos with The Three Sisters! *haha - lame*
The 3 stones you see at the background is called The Three Sisters! According to the tour guide, the aboriginal story of this world famous rock formation is something like.... Everyone in the village will go to the well in the valley to collect drinking water and everyone does not dare to disturb the fearsome spirit who lived in the well. There is a local witch doctor who had 3 beautiful daughters and one day he brought them to collect water at the well. The father then asked the daughters to wait for him by the well while he went to look for food. The daughters got bored and were playing with each other and accidentally dislodged some rocks which, falling into the well below and awoke the spirit. The spirit was very angry and started up the well to eat the young girls, the witch doctor saw what was happening and quickly turned his daughters into stone pillars using his magic stick. The spirit became even angrier and turned to the witch doctor, who then quickly turned himself into a lyrebird and flew away from the spirit. However, since the wings could not hold the magic stick, it fell off into the valley and he lost his magic stick. This is why now you always find Lyrebird scratching on the ground, because it is the witch doctor who is still looking for the magic stick so that he can turn himself and his daughters back into human again.
Walking through the rainforest
While waiting for the cable car back up, we were looking back at some of the photos and realised that my bro's eyes is soooo small in all the photos!! So we asked him to open his eyes to the biggest and this is what he did!! *haha*
Let the two vain pros show you how to open your eyes big big!! *haha* Actually this yun is the pro!! Everytime she takes photo, she will open her eyes super big one.... and have the same smile!! Haha Me on the other hand, will always tilt my head side ways!! HAHA
While in the cable car
Our next stop is to visit the Sublime Point which is said to be the best untouched lookout in the Blue Mountains!
3 sor pohs and one sor lou
After that, we walked around at the Leura Village.
A famous candy shop at Leura
Our last stop is at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Site. The whole Olympic Village is a "green" village and is the world’s largest solar powered suburb. The solar system has the capacity to generate electricity to the energy needs of all 2000 houses in the suburb. As well as making a contribution to reducing Australia’s carbon dioxide emissions. They also have a dual water supply system where one is for drinking water and the other is treated recycled water for flushing toilet, watering the plants, washing the car and etc.
On our way to board the ferry ride back to Circular Quay
Night view of Opera House and Harbour Bridge
We then went for dinner at one of the local bar called Bar 333.
Everything in Sydney is very expensive and that includes food!! However, to our surprise, the bar is actually having a promotion where all food is AUD10 only for Monday nights and coincidentally it was a Monday that day!! *haha* My dad was so happy and after everyone had one main course, he ordered another steak and lamb stew!! The 6 of us had 8 main courses and my bro ate more than 50% of all the fries there!! *haha* He said it is damn good!!
I then challenged my bro to a game of pool and..... I LOST!!! haha.... but it was a close fight ok!! *hehe*
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