It's been a loooooong loooooong time since we had a gathering like this!! I actually organized a pot luck gathering and Regie had kindly offered her place as the meeting point. I shall consider this gathering a success as the attendance is as good as it can get!! =D Do you know how difficult it is to get 14 people to gather together?? Sadly to say I only managed to get 8 and I consider that really good attendance because firstly, no one ffk!! *hehe* Oh and why do I say 8 out of 14 is good?? Considering out of the 14, there are 3 overseas (SueMei, ShuLing and Fion) and then the two Siews who hardly ever say yes to gatherings so both of them don’t really count and one more Miss Shirley Tan Shek Lee is actually not around so that leaves us with 8 and I consider that full attendance =D
Anyway I was asked to make cheesecake by Elisa and hence I made cheesecake cupcakes =D
But do you know????????? I was in the kitchen from like 6.30pm-1.30am???? 7 freaking hours!!! *gosh!!* I can't believe that!! And you know why???? Cause Elisa is pregnant *yeay* so she can't eat raw eggs and since all these while I like making meringue butter cream frosting (as you all know meringue uses egg whites) so I decided to try another type of frosting. I planned to make strawberry yoghurt frosting. According to the recipe it’s basically adding whipped cream with strawberry yoghurt BUT my frosting turned out too watery!!!! *although it tasted really yummy* It was too watery to frost and it just leaks out of my piping tips!! =(((((((((((( I was soooooo upset...... I thought of just poring the frosting on top of the cupcakes and putting it into the fridge hoping that it will set but it didn't even look like its going to set after I put it in for half an hour!! Although I did make chocolate nutella cream cheese frosting, but it wasn’t enough to frost all the cupcakes
and without pink, it’s not pretty!! I didn't want my cupcakes to look ugly and hence last minute I decided to make my trusty old meringue butter cream!! *So Elisa can only eat those with cream cheese frosting* My mum was like saying, the lesson is to not make anything that you have never made before if you are making it for some occasions!! *yes, yes lesson learnt* So anyway, by the time I am done, everyone is asleep (including my mum and my maid) and hence I have to do all the washing up myself!!!!!!!! =(((((((((((((((( gosh!!!! IT WAS A NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!!!!!! and hence by the time I am done, it is 1.30am!!!!! Was standing in the kitchen for 7 hours man!!!! with only 15mins in between to eat my dinner and maybe another 15mins to complain and moan to my mum that my frosting tak jadi (didn’t turn out)!!!! Sigh.... so you see.... making cupcakes are no easy job!! That's why they are selling for such a high price in the shops!!
Anyhow, here are the ingredients for my cheesecake cupcakes...... with chocolate nutella cream cheese frosting,
strawberry yoghurt strawberry meringue butter cream frosting and honey butter cream frosting.
The watery strawberry yoghurt frosting =((((((((
My three type of frosting in different colour =D (pink, brown and yellow)
My trusty old Meringue Butter Cream *hearts*
However, I am really glad that my cupcakes turned out pretty =D This is the first time I am using colouring as the strawberry jam doesn't gives enough pink colour to the frosting. Anyway I just use one tiny weeny drop of pink colouring and it turned out to be a pretty baby pink =D
My cupcakes pretty not?? *hehe* I think my piping skill is improving eh!! Next I wanna try to make leaves cause I have bought piping tips that will pipe out frosting in the shape of a leaf....
My cupcakes all packed in tupperware ready for pot luck. If you notice, the second cupcake from the left on the bottom row is actually the strawberry yoghurt frosting. I put some Oreo crumbs on top of it and after putting the cupcakes in the fridge overnight, the strawberry yoghurt frosting actually did set!! And it tasted YUMMY!!! Just that you can't pipe with this frosting.
OK anyway moving on to the pot luck gathering, 8 of us are bringing different food for the pot luck. Regie made mango fried rice which was really really yummy *I even ta pao back home* and Kenneth (actually his mum) made Devil's curry which was good as well. Aunty made potato salad, her signature dish. The rest bought food instead of cooking where MengYang is bought KFC, WaiKong bought satay, Elisa bought fruits and Michelle bought drinks. So that basically sums up our dinner for the night!! =D
Regie with her yummy mango fried rice!!
All the food *YUMZ* =D
Ken's Devils Curry
Closer shot of Regie's mango fried rice =D
All of us started eating =D
Notice someone missing from the picture above?? Guess who?? *hehe* Who else other than our Aunty Yu Li Yein!! She was 2 hours late!!!!! ISHHHHHHHHHH...... Anyway seems like everyone didn't even bother to call her to ask if she is on her way or what and we just started eating without her cause we sort of knew that this is her style!! ISH!!!! Actually the reason I said dinner starts at 6.30pm (using the excuse that Mich gotta leave early) was so that if I say 6.30pm hopefully she will come by 7.30pm (which was the real dinner time) but noooooooooo...... she only came like about 8.40pm when all of us finished eating!! ish..... and MengYang even joked that next time send her a separate mail to tell her an earlier time where else everyone knows that it actually starts later!! *haha* If like that then I meh have to tell her dinner starts at 5pm?? MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Anyway then its Wii and photo time =D
This photo is damn funny cause I set the timer and was kinda posing for the photo and Elisa who didn't know bout it was actually talking to me but I was just ignoring her and didn't even look at her until after the camera clicked!! =D
Then finally Aunty came with crazy amount of potato salad after everyone has finished dinner!! There was 10 biji potatoes there and she expected one person to eat one biji??? =S
Look at the amount of potato salad she made!!!!!
Then its time for desserts!!
Those who looooove cheese loooooove my cupcakes =D But those who doesn't like cheese that much thinks its too cheesy *hehe* And when I open my Tupperware, they all WAHHHH and praise that its pretty!! Mich even asked if I go for any classes!! *hehe* She said that her housemate who goes for baking classes doesn't make cupcakes as pretty as mine..... KAKAKAKAKAKAKA *yeah yeah high up in the air dy.....* keke So at least my 7 hours of effort is all worth it eh!! =D
Everyone enjoyed my Wii too.... especially MengYang!! When he played tennis, it’s as if he is in a real tennis court!! Damn drama and damn funny looking at him play!! Everyone kept taking videos of him!! haha
Pictures are all blur cause they were all moving too fast!! All damn kiasu!! *haha*
Everyone was fascinated by Aunty making "bedroom" noises when she plays boxing training!! *HAHA*
Us laughing at them making a fool of themselves with Wii =D
Then after a while the girls started to gather to gossip and bitch =D actually Aunty was the only one doing the bitching!! *haha* about her friend's gf!! *haha* And Regie told us juicy stories of her new pursuer =D Oh and Elisa showed us photo of her baby in her womb!! It's sooooo small I don't know how she knows what is what!! (I know lar the doctor told her lar but still) *hehe*
Gossip girls....

Group photo (without Michie) as she left early....
I would say its good that we had this gathering!! Its been a looong looong time since all of us hang out together!! =D Everyone is looking forward to the next gathering (which we have no idea when!) It was indeed a night of good fun and catching up with each other!! =D