I made Peanut Butter Cupcakes with Val =) . It's my first time baking a flour cake (excluding that butter cake I made for the trifle!) FYI, I don't use any flour in my cheesecake so that doesn't count. Anyway, we made 2 types of PB cupcakes. One where the PB is mixed into the batter and the other one where the PB is swirl into the middle of a butter cake. I think most that have tried both types, prefer the latter and that's including me!! =) However, since its my first time baking a flour cake, it didn't rise enough and its a bit hard =( Anyway there are always room for improvement!! Will definitely make the swirl PB cupcakes again!! It was soooo delicious when it is still warm with the PB in the middle melting...... yumz.....
OK these are the ingredients needed...
For the first type of PB cupcakes (PB mixed into the batter). You first add butter, PB and brown sugar and beat until it turns into a lighter colour.....
Like the colour below!!
Then add in eggs, milk and flour....
Next pour batter into cupcake paper
and bake for 15-20mins
Freshly baked cupcakes right out of the oven.... The whole house smell like PB heaven
Then we let the cupcakes cool and start making the second type - the swirl PB cupcakes. This is much more interesting!! =) First beat the butter, sugar, egg and flour like making a normal butter cake.
Next pour batter into cupcake paper and make a hole in the middle to fill it with a big dollop of PB (recommends to use PB and chocolate swirls as it is less dry as compared to just PB). Then swirl the PB and the batter as shown below.
Then bake for 15-20mins and you will have the delicious Swirl PB cupcakes!!
It's really yummy when its warm!! We actually swirl some with just PB and some with PB and chocolate. Hence as you can see below the one with just the PB is a bit dry but still yummy....
All the cupcakes lining up ready to get frosted =) That's the best part of making cupcakes =D
We made 2 types of frosting - PB butter cream and Strawberry meringue butter cream. Couldn't do any drawings as the peanuts in the PB couldn't get through the small hole of the drawing tip.
Also, as we were rushing off for karaoke, I couldn't come out with more designs as we were already late!! Anyway though its mass produced (unlike the individual unique designs I usually do) it is still very pretty!! *self praise* hehe

All in all the taste was great (not too sweet) but its a bit too hard. Val is blaming it on the oven, but according to my Mimi its probably because we did not beat the butter and sugar long enough to trap enough air in the batter for it to rise nicely!!
Baking can be really tiring especially when you stand in the kitchen for hours!! However it is really fun!! I usually realised how tired I am only after when everything is done =)
Anyway, this is us karaoke-ing. =D
p/s: Btw thanks to those who were concerned about the previous post. Everything is fine now =) Also, and after talking to HF, who already has 4 years of LDR experience and still going through it and going strong, I felt much better too =) Thanks everyone for your concerns =) Special thanks to my dear Mimi who is always there for me no matter what =D
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